Trips Alexander Yasin’s 7 Keys for Men to Unlocking Inner Strength

Alexander Yasin’s 7 Keys for Men to Unlocking Inner Strength

We asked holistic healer, artist and leadership consultant Alexander Yasin for top his wellness tips for men to achieve optimal health.


By Alexander Yasin Published: Jul 27, 2023 09:11 PM HKT6 min read

Alexander Yasin’s 7 Keys for Men to Unlocking Inner Strength

Men often get left out or ignored in the wellness conversation, which is unfortunate considering the alignment of mind, body and spirit should be a non-gendered priority. So, we asked holistic healer, artist and leadership consultant Alexander Yasin for his general life guidance and wellness tips for men to achieve optimal health and be properly present for their families, friends and selves. With equality in mind, note that his checklist will work for any of us seeking an easy routine as salve for our souls.

Strength Not Size

WITHIN OUR MALE-DOMINATED SOCIETIES, strength is often associated with physical size, your ability to “muscle through” obstacles (whether in business or life), “conquer” your competitor, and “make it to the top!” I think it’s safe to say that that mentality is off-balance to say the least, and has created a complex within the global nation of men – resulting in many men disconnected from their true feelings, overstressed, overworked, sad, anxious, depressed, and burnt out. 

Men Wellness Tips
Alexander Yasin in Oman. Images courtesy of The Lightforce Center

Through my experience working with thousands of men and women alike, empowering them to heal both mentally and physically from their negative emotional and physical turmoil, I have found that true strength transcends the corporeal, and encompasses the balance of mind, body and spirit. 

It takes a great deal of discipline, inner strength, and focus to ensure that all three of these elements are aligned, but when they are, we can truly be free, heal, and manifest our true purpose in this life.

That’s a key: Everyone talks about purpose and the desire for it, but no one ever talks about how the prerequisite to unlocking your full purpose is your full healing

Morning Meditation at Zighy Bay
Morning meditation at Zighy Bay. Image courtesy of Six Senses Zighy Bay

I feel it’s not only important, it’s absolutely necessary for us as men, to shift out of the old unbalanced masculine program, and into a harmonious, balanced masculine that tends to not only our physical needs, but the ones of our hearts and our souls as well.

Less working hard, more working smart. Yes, focusing on taking care of our bodies, but not at the expense of our minds. We need to start saying “yes!” to vulnerability, recognizing it takes great strength to be vulnerable, and more “yes” work in our hearts, as it takes great strength to love unconditionally, especially in such tumultuous times as these. 

The stunning Musandam Peninsula
The stunning Musandam Peninsula. Image courtesy of Six Senses Zighy Bay

Recently, I had the opportunity to explore all three of these aspects of strength at Six Senses Zighy Bay in Oman. From paragliding over the stunning Musandam Peninsula to experiencing deep meditation by the sea, and even bioresonance feedback analysis, this resort provided the ideal backdrop to nurture the mind, body and spirit.

But it wasn’t just the activities that made my experience so powerful. The people and culture of Oman played a significant role as well. The warmth and hospitality of the locals added to the feeling of being embraced by the natural beauty of the area. This sense of connection made it easier to disconnect from the “real world” and to return to myself, which is so important in today’s busy and fast-paced environment.

Serenity view from the pool
View from the pool. Image courtesy of Six Senses Zighy Bay

It also allowed for the most important of all: true, meaningful, present connection with my children and wife – something that can often be sacrificed when we aren’t in balance. Creating beautiful memories for me and my family is the most important, as these precious moments only come once in a lifetime. 

7 Keys for Men (and Everyone) to Unlocking Inner Strength, According to Alexander Yasin

Here are seven practical wellness tips that not just men but anyone can implement in their daily lives to nurture mind, body and spirit:

  1. Take time to meditate or simply quiet your mind each day. This can be as simple as setting aside 5-10 minutes to sit in silence and focus on your breath. Try closing your eyes, connecting to your heart by thinking about something or someone you love, and simply breathe into that feeling. Let it expand throughout your whole body. And if you want a meditation practice that can radically change your life forever check out The Lightforce Center.

Get The Lightforce Center’s essential tips every digital nomad needs to start their day in the video here.

Men Wellness Tips
Image courtesy of The Lightforce Center
  1. Incorporate movement into your daily routine. Whether it’s hitting 10,000 steps per day around your neighborhood, going to the gym, or practicing yoga, find a way to move your body every day for at least 30 minutes. And if you struggle with this, I highly recommend investing in a personal trainer. It’s what helps motivate me the most in this area. 
  1. Practice gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on what you are thankful for in your life. Focusing on what you are grateful for releases serotonin, and is a natural antidepressant! 
  1. Supplement and eat right. Unfortunately most of our food is toxic, and lacks the proper nutrients we need. Make sure you are supplementing with the essentials. I recommend Cymbiotika for some of the highest quality supplements in the world, but do your research and find a brand that works for you. Eat organic, and buy from local farmers every chance you can. 
  1. Disconnect from technology. This is HUGE! The algorithms are designed to keep us addicted, and connected to our devices 24/7. It is essential for your mental and physical health that you set aside time each day to disconnect from your devices, and instead connect with yourself. Set a one-hour rule at night (no phones or tech before bed), and a one-hour rule in the morning (no phones or tech before your morning meditation). This will allow for better sleep, more self-control, and to be present with yourself and those around you.
  1. Give back, and be of service. Helping others, especially when our world seems to be in such tumult, is needed more now than ever – and it’s a two way street! Giving of yourself to improve the lives of others is a powerful way to nurture your own spirit.
  1. Prioritize sleep. Getting enough rest is crucial to maintaining a healthy mind and body. Study after study shows how imperative healthy sleep patterns are for our overall mental and physical health. And if you struggle with sleep, doing the above six steps will surely help. 

Incorporating these practices into your daily life can help you find balance and strength in all aspects of your life. It’s just a starting point, but a very good one to say the least. And if you’re looking for a place to truly disconnect and explore these elements of yourself, Six Senses Zighy Bay in Oman is definitely worth a visit.

P.S.  The only way forward is within! 

Alexander Yasin is a HeArtist, LightForce Quantum Healer™, poet, world renowned speaker and leadership consultant, whose mission is to empower the masses to heal, and awaken to their life’s Purpose. He is driven to assist in the collective consciousness shift on this planet during this pivotal time in our history. He’s excited to connect, so feel free to drop him a DM.



The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.
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Written By

Alexander Yasin

Alexander Yasin

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